Registration fees cover coach salaries; pool and facility rentals; insurance of pools and swimmers; and awards. We are a non-profit organization, we put every cent back into the Team!

Click here for 2024 Piranhas Cheat Sheet




All new swimmers must "try-out" first!


T H R E E  (3)  S T E P S


Three (3) separate payments are needed for Registration Fees  

Payments can also be made at the Parent Meeting and through the first week of Practice on deck.


Payment #1 - Swimmer Fee:  One Swimmer: $150   Two Swimmers: $300  Family Max: $450

Guppies Program: $150  

(Please note that a swimmer living in multiple households must work out fees division privately, we do not bill separately.)

Payment #2 - Fundraiser Fee:

  • Each swimmer purchases 5 $15 Taco Dinner tickets = $75 per swimmer.  Max per family is $225.  Families keep the money after selling their ticket which are available for pick-up at the Parent Meeting and Practice.  
  • There is no Buy Out Option

  Payment #3 - Volunteer Hours Deposit:  $300 per family - Refundable 

  • Volunteering is MANDATORY.  It is very important that each family participates as it takes a lot of team-work to run a successful season!  We need your help!! 
  • Deposit will be accepted via check or credit card number.
  • New this year- Each family must complete 3 shifts per child with a 6 shift per family max. In order to not be charged; we hold your checks until the last meet in July.  If you complete all your shifts, we will shred your check and/or your credit card authorization form.  
  • If you cannot volunteer for a valid reason, you must ask the Registration Board Member for a waiver application.  IF you are approved, we will charge you $300 immediately.

STEP 2:  MINOR WAIVER FORM:  Include a completed form from the Documents tab with your payments.  This form must be turned in, in order to have your account approved.  You can list all your swimmers on one form.

STEP 3:  ONLINE REGISTRATION:  See the "How To Register Online" directions under "Documents."  Be sure to add your  emergency contact info to your account.  If you do not register online, we won't know your swimmer is on our Team!


ALL  SWIMMERS REGISTRATION:  Online registration will be open  March 1, 2024.   Log-in to your account or create a new one if you are a first-time swimmer and activate your registration by following the directions.  If you forgot your password, you can reset it on our 'Sign In' page.  Be sure to mail in your payments.  Your account will not be activated until the waiver form and payments are received, then you will be able to sign-up for volunteer positions. If you have one returning swimmer and one new swimmer, your new swimmer must still try out.

Returning Swimmers have priority Registration.





CVRSL rules state that your child’s age on June 1st of the swim season determines his/her age for the season. 

For example, if your child is 9 by June 1, then they will swim in the 9/10 age group.  If they turn 9 after June 1, then they will swim in the 7/8 age group.  There are no exceptions regardless of skill.

ACCOUNT APPROVAL:  Once your waiver has been received and your payment has been applied to your account, it will be activated and you will be sent a confirmation email.  Once you are activated, you may sign-up for your Volunteer Positions which will be available to do at the Parent Meeting. 

Reserve your favorite Volunteer spot early!

Is this just not working out for you this year?

** Registration Fees are non-refundable after the first full week of Regular Practice. **


New swimmers of all ages must try out.