Mock Meet

Hanford Piranhas

Great News! The Mock Meet is a go for May 28!

This is an excellent opportunity for our new swimmers and their families to see how a swim meet runs.  It's also a great reminder for our returning families and our staff, some of who are in new jobs.  

With that in mind, here are some reminders:

  • All swimmers MUST DECLARE on the website that they are going to be attending the mock meet, even though it will be during a regularly scheduled practice day.  This will be something that we will be stricter on this year.  
  • All swimmers will be assigned to start at 6:00. The only exception will be the guppies.  They will keep their normal 7:00-8:00 practice time slot with Coach Maggie and her team. 
  • All swimmers who declare will be registered for the freestyle and the backstroke.  This will not be a full size meet, only a mock meet. 
  • We will need volunteers.  Sign ups for volunteer spots have been opened already and will count toward your family's committment. We will only need one shift that night rather than our usual two.  We highly encourage our new families to volunteer to work the mock meet as it is a great, low pressure introduction to the world of swim meets. 
  • The meet will start at 6:00 at Hanford High.  We expect it take between 1.5-2 hours total, but are optimistic it will go quicker. Please plan on being there at 5:30 at the latest to check in with coaches. 

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions!